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Types of Incontinence


Stress Incontinence

Leakage occurs during coughing, laughing, sneezing or lifting heavy stuff.


Urge Incontinence

Sudden strong urge to urinate where leakage occurs if toilet is not reached on time.


Overflow Incontinence

Bladder doesn’t empty fully. There is frequent urinating of a small amount & constant drip, called "dribbling."


Functional Incontinence

Person is usually aware of the need to urinate, but due to physical or mental reasons, unable to get to a bathroom.


Stress Incontinence

Stress Incontinence (SUI) is basically the unintentional leakage of urine which occurs due to a physical pressure exerted on the pelvic floor muscles and the bladder. Performing activities like lifting of heavy weight, sneezing and coughing lead to the occurrence of stress incontinence.

Men usually suffer from the issue of urine incontinence because of the removal of prostate from the body. The removal of the prostate gland creates a problem for the functioning of sphincter muscles leading to continence problem.

Stress Incontinence (SUI) usually occurs in women because of several reasons out of which the major ones are pregnancy, menopause and childbirth. In females, if there is an increased abdominal pressure on the vagina, bladder, uterus and the rectum, the problem of SUI rises.


Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence is the sudden desire to pee which requires the person to reach the toilet quickly otherwise leakage would happen. Urge incontinence gives adults a feeling that their bladder is full even when there is storage left. The urinary bladder contracts earlier even if it has not been filled properly and makes adults rush to the washroom.


Overflow incontinence

Overflow incontinence is signified by the frequent urination and constant dribbling in the underwear. It is basically an involuntary release of urine resulting from a weak bladder muscles. Adults who suffer from overflow incontinence are unable to empty the bladder once they visit the washroom and the remaining urine comes out in drop wise form called dribbling. Other indications of overflow incontinence include a weak stream of urine, waking up in the night to urinate and falling prey to UTIs frequently.


Functional Incontinence

Functional incontinence is when adults are unable to go to the bathroom to pee because of mental/physical health conditions even after being aware of the need to urinate. The loss of urine due to functional incontinence is either in the form of leakages or the complete emptying of the bladder. The major causes responsible for functional incontinence are dementia, poor eyesight, reduced mobility and confusion amongst the rest.