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Rehabilitation Exercises

Rehabilitation exercises aid in strengthening of the muscles which leads to proper bladder control. As a non-surgical method of treatment, it even saves the body from complicated surgeries and medications. Here are some healing exercises for different mobility levels.


Hands and Forearm Exercise

This particular exercise is effective in making the hand-movements swift. Below is the procedure of performing the exercise:

  • To start with the exercises, one has to stand straight and hold both hands together and keep the fingers folded. After reaching the correct pose, keep the elbows steady and start moving the forearm up and down.
  • In the same pose of hands held together and fingers folded, keep the elbows steady and start moving the forearm from left to right.
  • In the same pose of hands held together and fingers folded, keep the elbows steady and start flipping the hands from left to right.

Adults suffering from urine incontinence can repeat this exercise for at least 10 times in one set.

For people who would like to be able to hold the urge of excretion



This particular exercise is effective in strengthening the pelvic muscles.

  • Stand with your legs shoulder width apart in front of a table.
  • Put your hands on the table and put the weight of the body on it.
  • Tighten the anus and the vagina and relax after holding for 3 seconds.

For people who would like to ease the condition of constipation:


Body Twisting Exercise

This particular exercise is helpful in stimulating your bowel with rhythmical movement:

  • Use two plastic bottles filled with water and stretch your legs shoulder width apart with the bottles in hand.
  • Start twisting the body from left to right while holding the plastic bottles.

Adults suffering from urine incontinence should perform at least 10 sets of body twisting.