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Incontinence in Men: Causes and Treatment

Suffering from incontinence is not a disease but a health condition that can be treated with the help of the right treatment options. As a matter of fact, urinary incontinence is found in both men and women. However, the underlying causes of the condition might differ in both cases.  In this blog, we have…

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BP and Incontinence: Everything you need to know

Incontinence is a common health condition that affects the lives of people in more than one way. From interrupting daily activities to causing a consistent fear of embarrassment, suffering from urinary incontinence comes with a lot to handle. Fortunately, there are solutions like medical treatments, and the use of…

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Hygiene tips to Follow While Using Adult Diapers

Adult Diapers are great essentials for relieving incontinence stress. They not only add a layer of protection and absorption but also save you from embarrassment and frustration. The elderly going through involuntary bladder leakage can understand the discomfort and demotivation caused while managing incontinence.…

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Tips to manage depression and anxiety in incontinence

Incontinence is a health condition which prevails in elderly people and is generally characterised by psychological impacts on their lives. Anxiety and depression are the two common outcomes of suffering from urinary incontinence. Medical experts also take into account the fact that elderly people with OAB display …

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How to take care of adults with incontinence?

Incontinence is a troublesome condition wherever people witness involuntary or accidental leakage. It can occur to both men and women at any age. However, the elderly are more prone to develop the symptoms than younger ones. If your dear ones have poor urine withholding power, and leaking urine while performing…

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Lifestyle changes to deal with incontinence

Poor bladder control or management can lead to embarrassing and discomforting situations, especially in the elderly. To overcome such upsetting situations, adults look for ways to minimize or deal with urinary incontinence. Thankfully, the internet is flooded with various tips and tricks to manage bladder…

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All you need to know about urge incontinence

Suffering from urinary incontinence can be both stressful and embarrassing. Rushing to the bathroom constantly in hopes of preventing involuntary urine leakage disrupts a person from doing day-to-day activities. However, the symptoms of this health condition in different people might vary as there are different…

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Diabetes and Incontinence: Is there any link?

We have all often heard that suffering from a disease can increase the chances of other health issues. But does this hold true for diabetes and incontinence as well? Diabetes is a disease related to high blood sugar levels in the body. This medical condition can further lead to complications and other health…

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How to deal with the sense of embarrassment in incontinence?

Do you feel hesitant to use the washroom too often while attending a social gathering? Or are you worried about embarrassment because of a sudden urge to urinate? If so, then you are not alone. There are many people who often feel quite similar while suffering from incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a common…

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Tips to keep in mind while travelling with incontinence

Dealing with incontinence is a daunting experience that affects not only physical well-being but also the quality of life. It is a health condition associated with a loss of control over the flow of urine. However, suffering from urinary incontinence does not have to be characterized by limitations on enjoying…

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